Friday, February 29, 2008
Lost in Translation
I'm not alone, There are others like me. I sleepwalk with my eyes wide open. I stumble more often than not.
However, I don't have no doubts I'm sure the Sun will rise again
And everyone will be swept away, such is the world of my Dreams.
I have a million wings to fly, and the whole blue sky to soar
And to move forward, I have MY world.
And that was my stupid interpretation of some of the lines from the song 'Mera Jahan' from Taare Zameen Par.
And I showed this to mickey, and he gave me a really interesting interpretation of the 'translation'. I wish I was recording all that he just said. Because even I can't summarize it. He did say that he felt I was trying to write a poem. The lines seemed like poetry to him, and he was pretty spot on about that.
Please leave a comment and tell me how you would interpret the lines I wrote.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Some drawings that didn't make it
These are some of the drawings that didn't make it to my portfolio. I was recommended against using them.
gesture drawing photo1 by ~yashrg on deviantART
many of you might think this should never have been a candidate for the portfolio, but it was actually a semi finalist. It got kicked out in the second last round of picking drawings for the portfolio. And I had gotten it photographed before then. So I can post it here.
Grizzly Bear again by ~yashrg on deviantART
Goat by ~yashrg on deviantART
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sheridan Portfolio Submission
Saturday, February 23, 2008
oakville transit has the most ridiculous schedule
But the schedule on display showed the schedule of bus 24, which is supposed to leave the sheridan stop at 8:35 and reach the go station at 8:50. That's ridiculous! Why would they schedule a bus to get there, after the connecting train-that most passengers take- has left? I hoped that it would come early and we'd make it there in time, but it didn't. I talked to the driver, and he told me its always been like this. That's when I realized the bus that I'd take was the number 20.
Well, my bad luck didn't stop there. As I put 50 cents in the fare collection thing, and started to look for my go train ticket, which I thought I had in my backpack, I had a flash. The backpack I took to the museum on tuesday, was my blue jansport. I had the go train ticket in that. Fuck! This meant I'd have to pay 2 more dollars for the bus, and buy a new ticket for today!
And as I am waiting at the go station for the 9:30 train, I wonder what else can go wrong...
Friday, February 22, 2008
Sheridan Animation portfolio
I am really close to finishing my room drawings, I did a clean version of the view of the person, and showed it to oliver, and he pointed out a glitch with the laptop. I don't know how I didn't see it. I don't know what I'd do without him. I am done with my hand drawings and my expression sheet. I already have one action pose drawn out, and I am pretty confident about the other one too.
And I just realized, I hadn't mentioned this before, but I'm handing in my portfolio on monday, about 54 or so hours from now. wish me luck!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
drawing animals from royal ontario museum
Today, after I got back from shopping, I was having second thoughts about going to the museum. I was thinking I could go to life drawing today and study for my mythology test (which is tomorrow!) if I don't waste so much time going all the way to toronto and back. As I was sitting in front of the computer listening to music, I saw Sujata was online.
I really wish I could post the chat here. It was really interesting. She had recently read my blog and asked how my back was doing.. I told her the truth about the recent realization I had.. Eventually I made up my mind about going and as we were saying bye, she says "you seemed weird today." Lol!
Now, I don't know what she was talking about, but I know exactly how weird it is to be writing notes to oneself on the sketchbook or drawings one's working on. Not talking about some funny comments/dialogue that relate to your drawing/illustration. I'm talking about stuff that you'd normally ask a third person or a remark someone else would make on your drawing. I say this is the result of extreme loneliness. Well, its not like I don't have ANYONE to talk to, and that's why, thankfully, I'm not writing "hey yash, how are you doing?" to myself and then responding to it. (Uh.. Do I have to?) laugh prompt- ha ha.
I really need someone who draws with me. (ok wait. I Have to say that I didn't need to put the ha ha. If you know me well enough, you'd know my sense of humor by now and know that I'm just joking. ;) ) I don't have someone who works on animation stuff with me. And me working in the pit 'around' or in front of someone isn't the same thing. There has to be an interaction, talking, etc. and I don't mean "bugger off, don't bother me!" kind. All mickey does when he comes over is sit in front of the computer and watch stuff, download stuff and eat stuff.
and yeah, I'm on my way to the museum. Will let you know how it went.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Kinkos bad. Digital camera good.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
I feel like shit!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Thinking about the chat with sujata.
Then ryan, who is one of the good students in his class, said he liked how my drawing is all structured and 3d. I really controlled myself there, but every time I think about it, I get a triumphant smile on my face. Ryan wants to get into illustration. even though I don't really know what they are looking for in a portfolio, I believe he should have no problem getting in. I LOVE his painting style. The brushstrokes that he makes give life to his paintings. There is a sense of movement in his painting. I've been trying to do the same thing in my paintings too, but couldn't.
I've been thinking about the chat I had with sujata. I shouldn't depend solely on others. Like ever since I was going to the workshop with oliver, I haven't made it to class in time. And today, I called him up to find out what time he's gonna pick me up, he says 12pm. That's REALLY LATE! So I decided to just go by my old method.
And sometimes, Mickey REALLY pisses me off! Sometimes its little things that I can deal with; Like tonight he was awake using my computer till pretty late. And his noise woke me up at around 2 or 3 am, and I couldn't go back to sleep so I had to tell him to turn off the light. Then he decides its time to sleep and leaves his loud external on. Well for some, this is not even a big deal but he drank my last bottle of crush which I was supposed to take to the workshop! That's what ticked me off! I just think he'd make an awful roommate.
Today when I got to the workshop, turns out we were having animation drawing first, not life drawing like I was hoping for. So all that was for nothing. I started to think I should have just waited for oliver. You see, its also about convenience.. So if oliver shows up, I'll ofcourse take the ride back home with him.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Some good news, and some back news.
I remember back when I was in akola, Tauji would always insist sleeping on the floor if he had back troubles. I kinda have had the same experience lately, as I have been sleeping on the floor too. I cuddle up inside a sleeping bag and its like going camping. LOL... joking. Its not NEARLY anything like going camping..But after the nights that I sleep on the floor, my back doesn't get that tired so easily. On the plus side, the room is cleaner because I vacuum the carpet more often. hehe.
I made bhindi again today, but not the kind I always made. I made what mom called 'pyaaz waali bhindi.' Its cut in flower shapped pieces and cooked with onions to give a different flavour. While I was cooking it, Jon came and asked, what is that? I said 'Okra' He said, "Isn't it like, stringy?" I said, Oh, I cut it differently this time. Its a different preparation. I was so stuffed after the dinner that I was getting really sleepy. I didn't even clean up.
I worked on my second hand drawing and ended up with a pretty good one. The proportions of a couple fingers looked off but I fixed that. If more modifications need to be made, I will just trace over the drawing. Then I started to work on storyboard... And I just want to say, "Drawing storyboard 'large' SUCKS!" Its just not something I'm into. Another good news, my hand sculpture on DA got 6 faves in just one day! yippe!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
iphoto nuiances
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Pet peves and sheridan lockdown
At the Indian grocery store, the lady at the checkout asked me about the incident at sheridan today. I didn't have much to say, because all I knew was from many different sources, and I didn't know which one was 100 percent true. She asked me if he was a white guy... which I thought was kinda awful... racist. But I don't really care who it was. All I care is about finding out that they did all this for nothing. Even since I first heard they spotted someone with a gun, I had been thinking it must have been a paintball gun or a fake/toy gun. The email that I got from sheridan college president said, and I quote 'cameras recorded video of a person carrying an object that appeared sufficiently suspicious' It could even have been a tripod stand someone suggested. Blah!
Back home, jon was also cooking dinner for him and his GF. And it was a really nice and busy atmosphere. I kinda enjoyed it. Add to that the fact that vironica did a lot of the dishes... thank you vironica. I had gotten 6 bottles of crush, and jon asked me if he could have a GLASS of it. And I said, ok. But he drank one whole bottle. Plus, he was being very grumpy about me putting it in the fridge to cool. Yeah, with stephanie's bottle of water too! I realized there wasn't enough room in the fridge for all the juices and milk, and asked her to finish the bottle of water and/or throw it away. And jon said, "there's room in there!" I just said, "fine, you put it in there." But then stephanie started taking to him about it, and saying that its ok, but jon still insisted that the OLD OLD bottle of water be put back in the fridge. Wtf dude!
Thankfully, my chickpeas turned out pretty good and I had a nice meal. I put in all the ingredients and spices by my estimate. So I wouldn't be able to reproduce the exact same taste again. Regardless, I have enough for a couple more times... Maybe I'll take some to the workshop tomorrow. Yeah.. that'll be really sweet! Too bad oliver isn't going to be there. He's going to the ROM. What luck eh? Almost every time I make some food, and want to share it with him, things just don't work out. Atleast he's still giving me a ride to toronto.
Gotta head back to work now. Have a good one.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Tired blog about this morning's dream
My alarm constantly kept going off after short intervals from 8 am in the morning, but I was too sleepy. After I turned it off and went back to sleep, I had a dream. I dreamt that I was back in school, mount carmel, and this time, all the teachers were very nice. Two teachers in particular, Bedi teacher, and Chitra teacher, because I remember their incidents rather well. Bedi teacher wasn't being insulting and mean, instead, she was very polite. And treated kids as people rather than little insects. I think this dream was a result of me thinking, what if when the teachers asked us a question, the students yelled out, "what a stupid question! Sit DOWN!" or "Don't ask me stupid questions!" LOL. With Chitra teacher, she actually explained a problem to me personally, which is a big deal in a class of almost 60 kids. Then came the shocker, I thanked her, and was leaving the staff room, and I happened to do something goofy. She laughed and said, "oh Yash, I love you."
Another thing I wanted to talk about is my conversation with suraj... we were talking about school and he said that I wasn't bullied. You can say that I'm in denial, but I refused to admit that I was, and to that, I just moved on. Similarly, when arjun bhaiya would say 'your parents never spanked you, did they?' I would just make a smug face and say "no, they didn't." Maybe I liked making him feel I was better off than him because he would get yelled at and beaten a lot. But I still remember particular incidents very clearly. Like the time I wouldn't drink milk and we (mom dad and me) were up till way past 12 because they were gonna MAKE ME DRINK IT. haha.
Today was a surprisingly tiring day. I was only life drawing for one hour and my neck started hurting really bad. As I was leaving, the model asked me why I was going so soon... I said I'm really tired... She said "Its just one of those days. So I was just gonna go rub on some ointment, and take a nap. But as I was approaching the house, jon was out shoveling, and he yelled out to me saying that I must shovel the driveway. What the Fuck! I offered to help him yesterday, but he had already done most of it, so he said no. But today, I wasn't feeling up to the task of shoveling. I would have really loved it if I was left to my bed and bengay-the ointment. All the while i was out there, i was cursing that old lover of vironica's who was just standing there doing nothing. I was going, "I'm here to study, not shovel snow off of driveway for free!" I even need to go shopping but vironica's hardly ever home.
I still haven't heard from aparjita or vince. But I am getting done with my room drawing and part of my object drawing. Till next time, here's yash signing off for the day.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Perspective room drawing- help me!
Yesterday, As I was going for life drawing, I got a little late. And the bookstore closed, right before I got there. So I asked oliver if he had extra newsprint that he could let me use. We walked to res and he gave me a pad. While I was there, I was reading jokes from reader's digest. I always loved those columns... laughter the best medicine, all in a day's work, Life's like that. I would laugh my ass off! They have the best jokes.

Monday, February 04, 2008
Why does itunes say the artist of Aadat in kalyug is Goher Mumtaz?
Friday, February 01, 2008
Warning: Some offensive content.
Ron was talking about how a degree in animation is meaningless. I think the conversation started on the topic of english requirement for the program... Anyways, he said, "a degree in animation is like a degree in giving blowjob(I hope he was talking about girls) People only care how well you do it, they don't wanna know if you have a certificate saying tht you can give a blowjob." Which I think is extremely hilarious. Aw COME ON stop scoffing at me for this one line! I already warned you in the title! Back to the topic, he said, "all this confusion was probably because animation was a relatively new field." upon hearing this, I went "huh?" I didn't expect someone here in canada, at sheridan college where they've been teaching animation for a couple decades to say its a 'new discipline'. But what he said next, made that point clear. "Illustration has been around for centuries. Even before people started writing books, there were illustrations to tell people stories or a message." He's right... look at the ancient Egyptian wall paintings... Someone else prompted, "Animation has only been around since 1920." And I decided I should tell this to my parents... they'll really get a kick out of this.
They would have wanted me to be a doctor or an engineer... Medicine has been practiced for ages. Long before people discovered moving images, and the need to entertain themselves watching cartoons, they needed to cure all the diseases that befall humanity. Engineering has developed ever since man stepped out of a cave. (that's my assumption!) Fine arts has been around for really long too. but not in the form of animation. Leonardo da Vinci's drawings, I think are fit to be called illustrations, maybe technical illustrations. But they were not moving images... I can't think right off the back of my head who created the first 'moving image' drawing. If anyone out there knows, or takes the time to find out, please let me know.
Now, I must sleep. All that snow shoveling has made me tired. And all the okra eating made me