Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Yahoo 360 Beta

I was talking to peeyush mamaji on messenger today when i clicked to view his profile.That was when the yahoo 360 page appeared and I finally came to know of it.
Well, I am definately not the first one to tell u this i think but yahoo 360 has features like Orkut and blogger since it allows u to view friends like u do in orkut and also allows u to make a blog of your own on yahoo.Its plus point being that since its a whole yahoo network, you dont have to invite friends because almost everybody has yahoo account.(yes i know some relatives who dont have a gmail and hence orkut account)And, your blog gets publicised a lot to the right audience...The people closest to you and your friends!
At this point I wish that I had a blog on yahoo 360! or maybe theres a way to put this blog on yahoo....I havent explored much so allow me to get back to it! And make a yahoo 360 account if u can, to see for yourself!

1 comment:

  1. Crap .. it says i have to over 18 to join .. and i am 18 in 5 days .. lol
