Thursday, September 13, 2007

The sixth sense

Yay! I finally got a haircut! But don't be disappointed ye who wanted me to keep it long, and those who wanted it short again, can stop celebrating because Its not too short. It'll grow back soon enough! Now I can finally go and get a new photo ID. But that's not until I get done with my boring typography class.

I had another weird dream last night. I dreamt that I was touring some 'water body' on a boat. Logically speaking, its got to be niagra falls because that's so close to here. But the dream didn't specify anything. So, I took about two trips, and saw 4 different spots or falls. Then I went back home. Home in India, sonu monu didi's house. The old ancestral house in akola where my grandfather and uncle lived. That house has been demolished as of ....a couple of years ago. But still, in my dream, there I was, and sonu didi and monu didi (my cousins) still lived there. (they're happily married and living with their husbands in reality) I still remember how much I loved spending time there. So it wasn't a big surprise I went back there to hang with them.

We were talking about my trip, I told them all about the places I've been to, and stuff... They showed me around the house. A lot has and was changing, they were renovating the place. Getting all fancy stuff and making the place look newer. Then I go to have a bath. This, in the jacuzzi which was never present in that house! The jacuzzi was the one which they have in their new house. Funny how the brain mixes reality with fantasy. If you don't get it, allow me to elaborate with this: Last night, I had a haircut for real, ok? But as I'm sitting in the jacuzzi in dreamland, I can see small hair floating around. Which makes the dream seem all the more real, because its connected to the reality which is that I'll see small hair when I shampoo/shower after I have had a haircut.

I think I'm getting a kind of sixth sense. Even last night, I was half asleep, when I thought I heard vironica standing beside my bed and saying "hey yash", trying to wake me up. And I suddenly wake up and hear the front door open up, and I realize, she's just got back home! It seemed totally supernatural to me! At the rate I'm going, I wouldn't be surprised if I can predict the future someday. Anyone want a free reading?


  1. hey sometimes i used to have this dreams which will feel so real sometimes that i had even confused it with reality .. lol

  2. well, after reading your blog post, I know what you mean!
